Solarize SX

  1. Solarize Summit
  2. Solarize Sx 2
  3. Solarize South Carolina
  1. Taken together, these follow- on projects produced another 400 Solarize installations in 2010, increasing total PV installations almost 400% over the previous year. In 2011, the number of Solarize campaigns and installations fell, but overall, PV installations in Portland remained high, with an increasing number of non-Solarize installations.
  2. Precision colors for machines and people Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. It has several unique properties. I designed this colorscheme with both precise.

Aug 12, 2019 Solarize SX lets users add the Sabattier Effect to an image without altering the original. Along with multiple solarization tone curves, the software provides functions for printing, exporting, and sharing output images with other applications or photo-centric internet services. Solarize SX includes the following key features.

We make going solar easy for Nevada and New Mexico residents!

The price has drastically decreased over the years which has led to an increase in installations of solar panels for residential homes. Commercial buildings, Offices, and Complexes are also adopting Solar technology but residential homes have seen the greatest increase in installations. Below are some reasons why you should install your own solar system today!

Why waste when you can produce 100% clean and renewable energy? No more relying on harmful compounds produced by fossil fuels for energy production. Help your communities in Nevada and New Mexico stay clean with solar power! Solar systems rely on the sun to produce clean, toxic-free energy that does not harm the ozone layer. No pollution equals a free and happy Earth!

The cost of fossil fuels has been on the incline for years. Depending on where you live, you have the potential to produce more energy than your house can accommodate. This will drive down the cost of your utility bills! Fossil Fuel prices always fluctuate, but with solar, your payments would be very low and will not fluctuate.

Being on the grid through the use and reliance on fossil fuels have led to power outages occurring through weather during hail, lightning, flooding, rain, snow, and ice. Relying on solar power will give you the energy you need to avoid these power outages!

The drop in cost of solar systems has made it more affordable to the residential market. It has been estimated to have dropped over 70% in the past decade. To top it off, the cost of maintenance and solar batteries has significantly dropped as well. This makes solar double the savings by dropping its installation and maintenance cost and your utility bills, all while saving the environment!

Have Questions? Call Us!

+1 (702) 867-2905 Nevada Offices

+1 (505) 257-4348 New Mexico Offices

Our success remains rooted in our values, our approach and our passion for renewable energy.

Review Your Utility Bill

This is where you will discover how and for what you are being charged.

Design Your System

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Look at the numbers

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Solarize can help you go Solar your way on your time. Are you experiencing power outages? Let Solarize help you go Solar.


You save money by paying for power at a rate that’s lower than what your utility can provide. We take your business very seriously and believe in creating long lasting relationships. That is why so many customers have trusted us to provide their solar systems.


We offer a cleaner and safer alternative energy source so that we can all feel good about using energy again. We’re able to offset expensive electricity prices because our solar panels produce energy much more efficiently than traditional utilities.


Our success remains rooted in our values, our approach and our passion for renewable energy. We measure our success not by the quantity of our projects but by the quality of our relationships. We’re able to offset expensive electricity prices because our solar panels produce energy much more efficiently than traditional utilities.



150 Sutter St, San Francisco



150 Sutter St, San Francisco



150 Sutter St, San Francisco

Solarize can help you go Solar your way on your time. Are you experiencing power outages?
Let Solarize help you go Solar.

Reduce Residential Power

Over two decades of rich experience in the solar energy sector.

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Over two decades of rich experience in the wind energy sector.

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Over two decades of rich experience in the wind energy sector.


Maintenance Services

Over two decades of rich experience in the wind energy sector.

Lower Electric Bills

Over two decades of rich experience in the wind energy sector.

Energy Effiency Package

Over two decades of rich experience in the wind energy sector.

Have Questions? Call Us!

+1 (702) 867-2905 Nevada Offices

+1 (505) 257-4348 New Mexico Offices

We make going solar easy for Nevada and New Mexico residents!


Nevada License:

New Mexico License:
EE98 #389936


+1 (702) 867-2905
Nevada Offices

+1 (505) 257-4348
New Mexico Offices


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Precision colors for machines and people

Solarize Summit

Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors)designed for use with terminal and gui applications. It has several uniqueproperties. I designed this colorscheme with both preciseCIELAB lightness relationshipsand a refined set of hues based on fixed color wheel relationships. It has beentested extensively in real world use on color calibrated displays (as well asuncalibrated/intentionally miscalibrated displays) and in a variety of lightingconditions.

See the changelog for what’s new in the most recent release.

Currently available in formats for (cf screenshots below):

Editors & IDEs

  • Vim by me.See also the Vim README.
  • Emacs courtesy of Greg Pfeil(@sellout)in the main repo and in a standalone repository
  • IntelliJ IDEAcourtesy of Johan Kaving and(@flangy)in the main repo and in a standalone repository
  • NetBeans courtesy of Brian Fenton andin the main repo and in a standalone repository
  • SeeStyle theme for Coda & SubEthaEdit courtesy ofJustin Hileman(@bobthecow),in the main repo and in astandalone repository
  • TextMateNOTE: Dark Theme is work in progress
    courtesy of Tom Martin(@deplorableword)in the main repo and in a standalone repository(with key work from Mark Storyand Brian Mathiyakom)
  • TextWrangler & BBEdit courtesy of Rui Carmo(@taoofmac)in the main repo and in a standalone repository
  • Visual Studio courtesy of David Thibault(@leddt)in the main repo and in a standalone repository

  • Xcode work in progress ports are available for Xcode 3 and Xcode 4and will be pulled into the main Solarized project soon.

Terminal Emulators

  • Xresources / Xdefaults
  • iTerm2
  • OS X
  • Putty courtesy Brant Bobbyand on GitHub

Other Applications

  • Mutt e-mail client also by me


  • Adobe Photoshop Palette (inc. L*a*b values)
  • Apple Color Picker Palettes
  • GIMP Palette

Don’t see the application you want to use it in? Download the palettes (or pullthe values from the table below) and create your own. Submit it back and I’llhappily note the contribution and include it on this page. See also theUsage & Development section below for details on thespecific values to be used in different contexts.


Click here to download latest version

Current release is v1.0.0beta2. See the changelog for details on what’snew in this release.

Fresh Code on GitHub

You can also use the following links to access application specific downloadsand git repositories:

  • Canonical Project Page:

    Downloads, screenshots and more information are always available from theproject page:

  • Full Git Repository:

    The full git repository is at: it using the following command:

  • Application Specific Repositories:

    You can clone repositories specific to many of the application specificcolor themes. See links in the list above or select from this list:

Note that through the magic of git-subtreethese repositories are all kept in sync, so you can pull any of them and get the most up-to-date version.


  1. Selective contrast

    On a sunny summer day I love to read a book outside. Not right in the sun;that’s too bright. I’ll hunt for a shady spot under a tree. The shadedpaper contrasts with the crisp text nicely. If you were to actually measurethe contrast between the two, you’d find it is much lower than black texton a white background (or white on black) on your display device of choice.Black text on white from a computer display is akin to reading a book indirect sunlight and tires the eye.

    Solarized reduces brightness contrast but, unlike many low contrastcolorschemes, retains contrasting hues (based on colorwheel relations)for syntax highlighting readability.

  2. Both sides of the force

    I often switch between dark and light modes when editing text and code.Solarized retains the same selective contrast relationships and overallfeel when switching between the light and dark background modes. A lot ofthought, planning and testing has gone into making both modes feel likepart of a unified colorscheme.

  3. 165 palette modes

    Solarized works as a sixteen color palette for compatibility with commonterminal based applications / emulators. In addition, it has been carefullydesigned to scale down to a variety of five color palettes (four basemonotones plus one accent color) for use in design work such as web design.In every case it retains a strong personality but doesn’t overwhelm.

  4. Precision, symmetry

    The monotones have symmetric CIELAB lightness differences, so switchingfrom dark to light mode retains the same perceived contrast in brightnessbetween each value. Each mode is equally readable. The accent colors arebased off specific colorwheel relations and subsequently translated toCIELAB to ensure perceptual uniformity in terms of lightness. The huesthemselves, as with the monotone *a*b values, have been adjusted withina small range to achieve the most pleasing combination of colors.

    See also the Usage & Development section below fordetails on the specific values to be used in different contexts.

    This makes colorscheme inversion trivial. Here, for instance, is a sass(scss) snippet that inverts solarized based on the class of the html tag(e.g. <html> to give a dark background with red accent):

    See also the full css stylesheet for this site.


Installation instructions for each version of the colorscheme are included inthe subdirectory README files. Note that for Vim (and possibly for Mutt) youmay want to clone the specific repository (for instance if you are usingPathogen). See the links at the top of this file.

Font Samples

Solarized has been designed to handle fonts of various weights and retainreadability, from the classic Terminus to the beefy Menlo.

Clockwise from upper left: Menlo, Letter Gothic, Terminus, Andale Mono.

Preview all code samples in specific font faces by selecting a link from thislist:


Click to view.

Solarize Sx 2


C (Vim)

Haskell (Vim)

HTML (Vim)

Java (Vim)

Javascript (Vim)

Pandoc Markdown (Vim)

These screen shots show Vim running with my own Pandoc Kit Syntax.

Perl (Vim)

PHP (Vim)

Python (Vim)

Ruby (Vim)

Shell (Vim)

TeX (Vim)

The Values

Solarize South Carolina

L*a*b values are canonical (White D65, Reference D50), other values arematched in sRGB space.

Usage & Development

If you are considering developing a port for Solarized, please see also thedeveloper notes forinformation about optional repository structure and readme formats.

Solarized flips between light and dark modes. In each mode, four monotones formthe core values (with an optional fifth for emphasized content).

Thus in the case of a dark background colorscheme, the normal relationship forbackground and body text is base03:base0 (please note that body text isnotbase00). Note also that in cases where the background and foregroundcan be specified as a pair value, text can be highlighted using a combinationof base02:base1. The L*a*b lightness difference between base03:base0 andbase02:base1 is identical by design, resulting in identical readabilityagainst both normal and highlighted backgrounds. An example use case is foldedtext in Vim which uses base02 for the background and base1 for theforeground.

The values in this example are simply inverted in the case of a lightbackground.