Royal Mail Postboxes Near Me

After finding your nearest priority postbox on Services Near You or on the Royal Mail app you will be able to further identify it by the NHS/Royal Mail sticker which will be affixed to it. You can still use the priority postbox if there is no sticker but you can let us know on 0345 266 8038 Monday to Friday 8am-6pm and we’ll put it right. Services near you Royal Mail Group Ltd. Coronavirus update: We’re keeping the UK connected. Despite best efforts some services may be disrupted. Click for more info on coronavirus or for Service Updates. Buy postage now with Click & Drop or the Royal Mail app. Franked mail should not be posted in an ordinary post box due to Royal Mail’s sorting system and doing so will likely cause delays to the delivery of your mail. Unfortunately, Royal Mail do not provide an online post box locator, so to find your nearest franked mail post box contact the Royal Mail Business Advice line on 08.

Royal Mail Post Boxes Near Me

Norvic Philatelics - GB New Stamps and Special Postmarks

Post boxes miniature sheet & Smilers Sheet; Treasures of the Archive PSB - 18th August 2009


We’ve been using post boxes, for more than 200 years and research has discovered that the earliest known post box was installed at Wakefield Post Office® in 1809. To celebrate this anniversary Royal Mail is releasing a Miniature Sheet of four stamps featuring iconic wall mounted Post Boxes.

A post box is the overall title for any kind of posting box whether it’s standing proud on the pavement (pillar box), a smaller freestanding version (pedestal box), on, or in, a wall (wall box), or on a pole (lamp box). The first Post Boxes, often just slots into the office, appeared over 200 years ago at Post Offices® for the convenience of people posting unpaid letters (the letters were paid for by the recipient). Wall boxes as we know them today were installed from 1857 as a cheaper alternative to pillar boxes, and have established themselves as a national icon, serving the needs of smaller
communities. The first pillar boxes were installed in 1852 in the Channel Islands and 1853 on the mainland. Now, around 100,000 Post Boxes of all kinds exist across the UK,

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1st class - George V type 8 wallbox; 56p - Edward VII Ludlow wallbox; 81p - Victorian Lamp Box (here inserted in a wall); 90p - Elizabeth II Type A Wallbox.

The Miniature Sheet

1st Class – George V Type B Wall Box
This example with the royal cipher of George V was cast by W T Allen & Co Ltd, London, between 1933-36, and is from Cookham Rise near Maidenhead.

Royal Mail Mailboxes Near Me

56p – Edward VII Ludlow Box
Introduced in 1887 this type of standardized box derives its name from the foundry where many of them were made. This example is from Bodiam, East Sussex.

Royal Mail Postboxes Near Me

81p – Victorian Lamp Box
The lamp box could also be attached to lamp post or other such structure. This example is from Hythe in Kent and was installed in 1896.

90p – Elizabeth II Type A Wall Box
This Elizabeth II Wall box is located in Slaithwaite near Huddersfield and would have been made between 1962 and 1963.

Prestige Stamp Book - Treasures of the Archive

On the same date Royal Mail will issue a Prestige Stamp Book entitled 'Treasures of the Archive'.

Some of the amazing artefacts held in trust for the nation by the British Postal Museum and Archive are shown in the booklet - including a stamp pane featuring all four of the Post Boxes stamps. The book contains four exclusive stamp panes unavailable anywhere else. All the stamps are printed by Walsall SP in litho so producing new stamps. (The 62p stamps are the normal red, not orange as shown in these pubblicity images.)

Booklet panes:

Pane 1: four 1st and four 20p Definitives, both stamps bearing the double image of Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria from the 150th anniversary of the Penny Black stamps, set around a Penny Post label first issued in 1990, with the Penny Black portrait of Queen Victoria in the background.

Pane 2: four 20p stamps featuring the Royal Mail Coach from the 1989 Lord Mayor's show issue, showing the door of the Bristol - London Mailcoach in the backgound..

Pane 3: all four of the Post Boxes stamps in a block of 4, rather than a strip. The background shows a Penfold hexagonal Victorian pillar box.

Pane 4: four 17p Machin Definitives, two 22p Machins and two 62p Machins around a GPO logo label, the background showing images of the proposed 1937 coronation issue for King Edward VIII.

Smilers Stamps

Royal Mail Postboxes Near Me

A generic sheet consisting of 20 x 1st class Postbox stamps from the miniature sheet, with 20 labels depicting postboxes or details from them.

Click on the image to display a larger one in a new window.

Details of the postboxes etc shown on the labels:

Column 1:
1883 Wooden Bracket Box, Llandrindod Wells, Powys; 1861 Wall Box in a Brick Pillar, Kimberley, Wymondham, Norfolk; Edwardian Children post a letter to Granny;
1892 Moulded plastic POPS (Post office Posting Suite); George V Ludlow Wall Box, Kingweston, Somerton, Somerset.
Column 2:
Early 19th Century Stone Post Box, Spilsby Lincolnshire; 1896 Lamp Letter Box formerly on the Fosse Way near Radford Semele Warwickshire; Edward VII Wall box near Bolney, Haywards Heath, West Sussex; Royal Cipher of George VI; Early 19th-Century Wooden Post Box, the old Post Office, Lyme Regis, Dorset.
Column 3:
1857 First National Standard Wall Box, Tintagel, Cornwall; 'First and Last Post Box', Land's End, Cornwall; Elizabeth II Ludlow Wall Box, East Chinnock, Yeovil, Somerset; Wall-mounted George VI Lamp box, Pitlochry, Perthshire; Scottish Crown used instead of EIR Cypher, 1952.
Column 4:
1861 Wall Box in a 'Waside Shrine', Rous Lench, Evesham, Worcestershire; 'Carpenter's Box, Lowsonford Post office, Warwickshire, Photographed in 1987; Royal Cipher of Edward VII; 1887 Eagle Range & Foundry Company, sub-Post Office Box, Sherborne, Dorset; a village Postman clears a wall box, Norfolk 1910.

Technical details:

The Miniature sheet was designed by Elmwood and is printed in litho by WalsallSecurity Print. Royal Mail have confirmed that the MS was also printed by Cartor.
The Smilers Sheet was designed by Elmwood, and is printed by Cartor Security Print in litho.
The Prestige Stamp Book is designed by Silk Pearce, with narrative by Douglas Muir, and is printed by WalsallSecurity Print in litho. The Book has the imprint of Cartor SP. Information previously shown was provided by Royal Mail before issue.
All stamp and other images are copyright Royal Mail 2009.

Products issued:
Miniature sheet
Smilers Sheet
Prestige Stamp Book
Presentation Pack
Set of 5 stamp Cards unused

Special Postmarks
Postmarks available for the day of issue are shown below - these may not be to scale.
These postmarks cannot be obtained after the date of issue.

Ref FD919
Philatelic Bureau Official Postmark
Ref FD920
Wakefield Official Postmark
Ref FD920n
Wakefield Official non-pictorial Postmark
Ref N11432
Wakefield Postboxes
18 August 09
Ref N11431
Bicentenary 1809 Post Boxes, Wakefield
Ref N11428
Postboxes, Hill Street, Birmingham.
Ref L11432
Farringdon Road,
London EC1A
Ref L11422
Bicentenary Post Boxes
Ref L11421
London WC1
(shows Queen Victoria)
Ref L11424
(shows King George VI)
Ref L11419
Box, Corsham (Wiltshire)
Ref L11418
Letter Box Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent
Ref FD921
Philatelic Bureau Official Postmark (shows mailcoach)
Ref FD922
Official postmark London SW7 (shows early delivery cycle)
Ref FD922N
London EC1 non-pictorial Official Postmark

Ref M11429
Birmingham Philatelic Society 125 Years.
Ref N11433
10th Anniversary Sheridan Philatelic Covers, Widnes
Ref W11446
Bath Postal Museum, Cnr Green Street, Bath *
Ref N11459
Post Boxes, Wakefield
* We apologise for the quality of this image.

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This page updated 8 September 2009.

2007 - 2008
2009 stamp issues
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Design Classics
22Robert Burns
Charles Darwin
17MachinDefinitives with Security Features I
26Dathlu Cymru - Celebrating Wales
2DesignClassics Concorde Smiler Sheet
10Pioneersof the Industrial Revolution
10DesignClassics Retail Booklet - Phone & Bus
17NorthernIrelandCastles Smilers Sheet
31MachinDefinitiveswith Security Features II
31NewRate Machin & Country Definitives

Kings& Queens II (Tudors)
21 Design Classics Retail Booklet - Mini-car
23Castlesof England Smilers Sheet
30Smilersfor Kids II

EndangeredPlants& Kew Gardens MS
21Flowersretail booklet

Mythical Creatures


21 40thann of Moon Landing Commemorative Sheet
3ThaipexSmilers Sheet
18WallMounted Post Boxes MS & Smilers Sheet
18Treasuresof the Archive PSB
18 Design Classics Retail Booklet - Concorde
1Fire Service
17 British Military Uniforms (III - Royal Navy)
17 Design Classics Retail Booklet - Mini-skirt/Quant
18 CommemorativeSheet - Big Ben 150th Anniversary
7 CommemorativeSheet - Cambridge University 800th anniversary
8Eminent Britons (Europa)
21Italia2009 Smilers Sheet
22Pre-Olympics 2012 Issue
30 Castlesof Scotland Smilers Sheet
4MonacoPhil2009 Expo Smilers Sheet
Norvic Philatelics, PO Box 119, Dereham, NR20 3YN, GB. -- UK Phone: 08450 090939 -- Skype:ian.billings-norvic

  • 1pillar-box

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера >pillar-box

  • 2pillar box

    стоячий почтовый ящик(красного цвета)

    Англо-русский современный словарь >pillar box

  • 3pillar-box

    сущ. стоячийпочтовый ящикстоячий почтовыйящик (на углу улицы)

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь >pillar-box

  • 4pillar box

    1) Общая лексика:почтовый ящик, стоячий почтовый ящик

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >pillar box

  • 5pillar-box

    1) Общая лексика:почтовый ящик, стоячий почтовый ящик(на углу улицы)
    2) Архитектура:стоящий на земле и имеющий форму столбика(в Англии и Ирландии), стоящий на земле и имеющий форму тумбы (в Англии и Ирландии)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >pillar-box

  • 6pillar-box

    I'm gonna tie me up in a little red string,

    Я хочу перевязать себя маленьким красным шпагатом,
    (Из шуточного стиха)

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого >pillar-box

  • 7pillar-box

    стоячий почтовый ящик

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь >pillar-box

  • 8pillar box

    Новый англо-русский словарь >pillar box

  • 9pillar-box

    [ʹpıləbɒks] n

    НБАРС >pillar-box

  • 10pillar-box

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations >pillar-box

  • 11pillar-box

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms >pillar-box

  • 12pillar-box

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. >pillar-box

  • 13pillar-box

    English-Russian base dictionary >pillar-box

  • 14pillar-box

    Subsidiary English-Russian dictionary >pillar-box

  • 15pillar box

    Subsidiary English-Russian dictionary >pillar box

  • 16pillar-box

    2.стоящий на земле и имеющий форму тумбы

    English-Russian architecture dictionary >pillar-box

  • 17pillar-post

    НБАРС >pillar-post

См. также в других словарях:

  • pillar box — pillar boxes also pillar box N COUNT In Britain, a pillar box is a tall red box in the street in which you put letters that you are sending by post. [BRIT] (in AM, use mailbox) … English dictionary

  • pillar box — n. Brit. a pillar shaped mailbox … English World dictionary

  • pillar box — n BrE old fashioned a large red tube shaped box for posting letters that stands on streets in Britain = ↑postbox →↑letterbox … Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pillar box — ► NOUN ▪ (in the UK) a large red cylindrical public postbox … English terms dictionary

  • Pillar box — A pillar box is a free standing post box, in the United Kingdom, where mail is deposited to be collected by the Royal Mail and forwarded to the addressee. Similar designs exist as historical artefacts in certain Commonwealth of Nations countries … Wikipedia

  • pillar box — noun a red pillar shaped letter box • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain • Hypernyms: ↑postbox, ↑ … Useful english dictionary

  • pillar box — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms pillar box : singular pillar box plural pillar boxes British old fashioned a large red container in the street for posting letters in … English dictionary

  • pillar-box — see pillar box … English dictionary

  • pillar box — noun A free standing item of street furniture in the form of a short, red pillar with a slot for posting letters. Syn: letter box, letterbox, mailbox, post box, postbox … Wiktionary

  • pillar box — Brit. a pillarlike box in which letters are deposited for collection by mail carriers; mailbox. Also called pillar post. [1855 60] * * * … Universalium

  • pillar-box — (British) mailbox, receptacle for depositing postal mail, tall red mail box shaped like a pillar … English contemporary dictionary


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